Bulletin Board Service
Downloading Drivers and Other Cool Things
U.S. Customers

International Customers

I'll bet you're wondering what "Other Cool Things" means, right? Well, here's a complete, but sketchy on the details, listing of what's offered on Gateway 2000's Bulletin Board. Hope it'll tempt you enough to check it out!
Toll Free BBS
(supported files only)


Local BBS
(non-supported files here!)


File Library

The most important reason to have a BBS! The latest and greatest drivers, virus detection utilities, patches, fixes, and even a Windows interface for the Bulletin Board called Worldgroup Manager. Check it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to very popular technical questions. This could be just what you needed to know!

Information Center

It's got everything...from Gateway related phone numbers and system configurations to how to set up your own BBS!

Message Areas

Need to contact a Gateway Technician, Customer Service Representative, or Sales Representative? Want to listen in or ask a question in one of our many Forum areas? Or do you just want to send mail to a Gateway friend? Here's where it's done!

Online Applications

OK, so you've heard and read so much about Gateway that you want to work here. Terrific! Check out our current openings and download an application here!

Online Shopping Mall

Is it time to upgrade your video card? Or maybe add a bit more memory for Windows 95? Here's the place to do it. Check out all the greatest deals in Add On Components for your computer.

Press Releases

Of course, you already know that Gateway 2000 has the best value for your money and the greatest PCs on the planet! But maybe you want to read about what other people think?

Public Service Announcements

Here's where you can go to post your earth-shattering news or event relating to the Siouxland area!

Technical Information Search Engine

Whoa boy! (oops, horse references again!) Check out the tons of information available in our easy-to-use online library!

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